
The Autonomous Systems, Control, and Optimization Laboratory (ASCO) is part of the Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics (LCSR) at Johns Hopkins.

The research goal of the lab is to create robots with unprecedented agility and robustness that can fully exploit their dynamical and sensing abilities to operate in natural environments. Such systems will be aware of the complex interaction between mechanics, perception and control, and will compute adaptively with performance guarantees in the presence of uncertainties.

The lab performs research in analytical and computational methods at the intersection of dynamical systems and control, optimization, and statistical learning, and in the design and integration of novel mechanisms and embedded systems. Current application areas: 1) autonomy in mobile (ground and aerial) robots and small spacecraft, and 2) computational tools for control and optimization of multi-body mechanical systems.

Contact Marin Kobilarov for questions about the laboratory.

